On-Site training to bring you up-to-speed with your investment in Adagio Accounting
Adagio Ledger & Financial Reporter
Course Objective
- Help the user develop an understanding of the Ledger module in Adagio Accounting
- This course will help the user begin to use the software, and enable the user to start to use the software
Course Content
- Company Setup
- Set Options & Defaults
- Optional Fields
- Posting Options & Reports
- User Preferences
- Chart of Accounts
- Types of Accounts
- Set up the Chart
- Enter new Accounts
- Import Accounts from an Excel spreadsheet
- Entering transactions
- Retrieving transactions from other modules
- Reports
- Intro to Financial Reporter
- Following this course, users will be trained & understand how to:
- Enter day-to-day transactions
- Find data and perform On-Screen and Drill-Down analysis
- Generate & print meaningful Ledger reports, including:
- Chart of Accounts
- Trial Balance
- Detail Listing (the General Ledger)
- Financial Statements
- Prerequisite: Understanding of basic bookkeeping
- Instructor: Samuel Kopstick
- Each participant will receive a Certificate upon completion of the course
Adagio Accounts Payable
Course Objective
- Help the user develop an understanding of the Payables module in Adagio Accounting
- This course will help the user begin to use the software, and enable the user to start to use the software
Course Content
- Company Setup
- Set Options & Defaults
- Optional Fields
- Set up Terms, Banks, Integration with Ledger & other settings
- User Preferences
- Vendors
- Set up Vendors
- Set up the numerous Vendor options
- Enter/edit Vendors
- Import Vendor profiles from an Excel spreadsheet
- Entering transactions
- Invoices
- Payments
- Adjustments
- Intro to EFT Processing
- Reports
- Following this course, users will be trained & understand how to:
- Enter day-to-day transactions
- Search & View Vendor Profiles, Lookup Statistics, Current & Historical Transactions, perform On-Screen and Drill-Down analysis
- Generate & print meaningful reports, including:
- Open Payables
- Aged Payables
- Vendor Lists
- Prerequisite: Basic understanding of Accounts Payable
- Instructor: Samuel Kopstick
- Each participant will receive a Certificate upon completion of the course
Adagio Accounts Receivalbes
Course Objective
- Help the user develop an understanding of the Receivables module in Adagio Accounting
- This course will help the user begin to use the software, and enable the user to start to use the software
Course Content
- Company Setup
- Set Options & Defaults
- Optional Fields
- Set up Terms, Report Groups & Territories, Integration with Ledger, Order Entry & Invoices & other settings
- User Preferences
- Customers
- Set up Customers
- Set up the numerous Customer options
- Enter/Edit Customers
- Import Customer profiles from an Excel spreadsheet
- Entering transactions
- Invoices
- Payments
- Adjustments
- Reports
- Following this course, users will be trained & understand how to:
- Enter day-to-day transactions
- Search & View Customer Profiles, Lookup Statistics, Current & Historical Transactions, perform On-Screen and Drill-Down analysis
- Generate & print meaningful reports, including:
- Customer Statement
- Aged Receivables
- Customer Lists
- Prerequisite: Basic understanding of Accounts Receivables
- Instructor: Samuel Kopstick
- Each participant will receive a Certificate upon completion of the course
Adagio Order Entry
Course Objective
- Help the user develop an understanding of the Order Entry module in Adagio Accounting
- This course will help the user begin to use the software, and enable the user to start to use the software
Course Content
- Company Setup
- Set Processing Options & Defaults
- Optional Fields
- Understanding Specs (Forms)
- Set up Alternate Ship-To addresses, Sale Tax calculations, Salespersons & other settings
- User Preferences
- Entering & Managing Orders
- Entering Orders, Invoices, Cr Notes
- Set up Packing Slips, Order Confirmations, Invoices & Credit Notes & other forms
- Enter/Edit Orders
- Printing &/or Emailing forms
- Reports
- Following this course, users will be trained & understand how to:
- Enter day-to-day transactions
- Search, View & edit Customer Orders
- Lookup Current & Historical Orders/Invoices & Copy previous entries
- Generate & print meaningful reports, including:
- Order Action Report
- Aged Orders
- Tax Summary
- Prerequisite: Basic understanding of Business & Sales
- Instructor: Samuel Kopstick
- Each participant will receive a Certificate upon completion of the course
Adagio Inventory Control
Course Objective
- Help the user develop an understanding of the Inventory module in Adagio Accounting
- This course will help the user begin to use the software, and enable the user to start to use the software
Course Content
- Company Setup
- Set Processing Options & Defaults
- Optional Fields
- Understanding Item & Category Codes, Costing Methods
- Set up Alternate Price Lists & Special Pricing
- User Preferences
- Physical Inventory
- Setting up mutli-Locations
- Conducting Counts & Adjustments
- Set up Packing Slips, Order Confirmations, Invoices & Credit Notes & other formIntegration to Order Entry & Invoice modules
- Stock Transfers
- Reports
- Following this course, users will be trained & understand how to:
- Enter day-to-day transactions
- Integration from Purchase Orders, Order Entry and Invoice modules
- Conducting Item Inquiries
- Generate & print meaningful reports, including:
- Items
- Stock Quantities by Location
- Prerequisite: Basic understanding of Business & Sales
- Instructor: Samuel Kopstick
- Each participant will receive a Certificate upon completion of the course
Adagio Purchase Orders - Intro (Part I)
Course Objective
- Help the user develop an understanding of the various options of the P/O module in Adagio Accounting, and various options for setting up this module
- This course, along with the Part II course, will help the user begin to use the software, and enable the user to start to use the software
Course Content
- Company Setup
- Set Processing Options & Defaults
- Understanding & setting up the Integration with Payables, Inventory, Job Costing, Order Entry and Ledger
- Understanding & using Requisitions
- Optional Fields
- Setting P/O auto-numbers
- Understanding Inventory Items & Sundry Items
- Understanding A/P Vendors & Sundry Vendors
- Set up Sales Tax
- User Preferences
- Reports
- Following this course, users will be trained & understand how to:
- Setup the P/O module for their organization
- Integration from Purchase Orders to many of the other Adagio modules
- Conduct Item Inquiries
- Generate & print meaningful setup reports, including:
- Items & Vendors
- Sundry Items & Sundry Vendors
- Prerequisite: Basic understanding of Business
- Instructor: Samuel Kopstick
- Each participant will receive a Certificate upon completion of the course
Adagio Purchase Orders - (Part II)
Course Objective
- Review the various options of the P/O module in Adagio Accounting, and enter day-to-day transactions in the P/O module
- This course, along with the Part I course, will help the user begin to use the software, and enable the user to start to use the software
Course Content
- Transactions
- Requisitions
- Purchase Orders
- Receipts
- Vendor Invoices
- Printing/Emailing Documents
- Day-End Processing
- Integration with Payables, Ledger, Inventory modules
- Following this course, users will be trained & understand how to:
- Use the P/O module for their organization
- Conduct Inquiries
- Generate & print meaningful setup reports, including:
- Outstanding P/Os
- Outstanding P/O Items
- Aged P/Os
- Prerequisite: Users should have taken the “Purchase Orders Part I” course, or understand the material covered in the P/O Intro course
- Instructor: Samuel Kopstick
- Each participant will receive a Certificate upon completion of the course
Adagio Invoices
Course Objective
- Help the user develop an understanding of the Invoices module in Adagio Accounting
- This course will help the user begin to use the software, and enable the user to start to use the software
Course Content
- Company Setup
- Set Processing Options & Defaults
- Using Invoices & Archives
- Set up Sales Taxes for different Jurisdictions
- Set up Items & Understanding Specification Styles
- Setup Items for detailed Revenue Tracking in the Ledger module
- Optional Fields
- Integration with A/R and Inventory modules
- Understanding Specs (Forms)
- User Preferences
- Entering & Managing Invoices/Cr Notes
- Entering Transactions
- Using the Invoice module for Time-Sheet billing
- Printing &/or Emailing forms
- Reports
- Following this course, users will be trained & understand how to:
- Enter day-to-day transactions
- Search, View & edit Customer Invoices
- Lookup Current & Historical Invoices/Cr Notes & Copy previous entries
- Prerequisite: Basic understanding of Business & Sales
- Instructor: Samuel Kopstick
- Each participant will receive a Certificate upon completion of the course
Adagio Bank Reconciliation
Course Objective
- Help users develop an understanding of the Bank Rec module in Adagio Accounting. Following this course, users should be able to begin to use the Banking module in Adagio
Course Content
- Company Setup
- Set Processing Options & Defaults
- Setup Banks
- Understand Auto-Bank Reconciliations
- Set up “Rules” for downloading Bank Statements
- Integration with A/R, A/P and Ledger modules
- User Preferences
- Retrieving data from Receivable and Payables
- Reversing Entries
- Conducting the Bank Reconciliation
- Import Bank Statements from your Bank
- Reports
- Following this course, users will be trained & understand how to:
- Use Bank Rec
- Perform a Bank Rec
- Automate monthly Bank Statement charges & fees
- Prerequisite: Basic understanding of Business & Sales
- Instructor: Samuel Kopstick
- Each participant will receive a Certificate upon completion of the course